If you’re looking for a Workshop with Judy,
there are several opportunities still available!
Along with our retreats here in Montana, Judy will be on the road this fall, traveling to New York, Virginia, and Georgia providing a variety of paper piecing tips and techniques that will have you quilting more efficiently and having more fun!
You’ll also be one of the first to see our new line of fabrics, new quilts, and new patterns fresh from International Quilt Market!
Check out the Regional Workshop information below and see if there’s a location near you, and/or the list of Montana Retreats for the spaces still available in 2016.

Mt. Pleasant Quilting Company – Rochester, New York
Prismatic Star: November 2-3 (1 Space left)
Prairie Star: November 4-6 (1 Space left)
Tarnished Windmill*: November 4-6 (4 Space left) OR
Woodcarver’s Star*: November 4-6 OR
Prismatic Star*: November 4-6
*Since similar techniques are used for these three patterns, Judy will also teach the Prismatic Star technique to anyone interested during classes.
This is the first time Judy has been in New York State, so don’t miss this opportunity! For more information including supply lists and costs, click the links above, or call Mt. Pleasant Quilting Company at 585-243-0767 to sign up.
Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics – Wytheville, VA
Floating Points and Curves: November 10-11 (3 Space left)
Join Judy Niemeyer and Certified Instructor Lucille Amos for a 2-day class in their spacious Wytheville Meeting Center behind the Community College. For Floating Points and Curves, choose from Ballroom Dancing, Dancing Batiks, Sunflower Illusions, or Total Eclipse patterns, or choose from any project in the Geese Migrations book or the Harvest Moon Pattern. They also offer kits.
Prismatic Star: November 13-14 (1 Space left)
Join Judy and Certified Instructor Sue Wilson for this 2-day class also located in the Wytheville Meeting Center.
What an opportunity! Come to the mountains of Virginia for gorgeous views, friendly people, and lots of fabric! Judy will also conduct a Trunk Show on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 7pm. The trunk show is included for participants.
Sew Much Fun – Columbus, Georgia
There’s a limited number of spaces available for the following workshops:
Summer Solstice: November 16-17
With Certified Instructor Jackie Kunkel
Feathered Star: November 18-20
With Certified Instructor Jackie Kunkel
Geese Migrations Book: November 16-17
You can choose any pattern. With Certified Instructor Jeannette Walton
Arizona Cactus: November 18
With Certified Instructor Jeannette Walton
Table Runner Renzy: November 19-20
Stormy Seas, Cactus Flower, or Compass Rose. With Certified Instructor Jeannette Walton
Class fees are $125 per day.
Hotels are available at a special rate of $79 per night.
Kits are available from Sew Much Fun for any of the classes.
Please contact Sew Much Fun at 706-317-0024 and ask for Lain or Bob for registration or further information. There’s no online registration available, you must call to sign up.

Unless otherwise noted, all retreats are $1,400 base price (extra nights, sewing machine rental, and master suite upgrade not included) + 7% Boarding Tax (billed at time of checkout for $600 Room fee only), and includes:
Programs Fee: $550.00 per Student
4 days of instruction from Judy and a Certified Instructor
A class limit of 12 students so you have lots of one on one time and attention
1 free sew day
Trunk Show of current and upcoming projects (Night of check-in and before workshop starts)
Shopping at locally Certified Quilt Shops/and a tour of Judy’s design studio/warehouse/training center
Quiltster training event
You will be able to work on the project of your choosing from any Quiltworx patterns (unless otherwise noted)
All Meals are provided and the retreat is fully staffed with Quiltworx employees (7:30 a.m. to about 8 p.m. daily) to assist with all of your comfort needs ($250.00 value).
Click on the links below for more information and to sign up. There are a limited number of off-site spaces available, so please contact us if you’re interested in an off-site space for a particular retreat.
We look forward to seeing you!