Join Andrea Schnur on a Quilting Adventure of a Lifetime! Andrea will be hosting the Quilter’s Circle Tour of Ireland as a Certified Instructor for Judy Niemeyer Quilting and!
Dates: June 6th to 14th, 2013
Held in Conjunction with the International Quilt Festival of Ireland, June 7th to 9th, 2013, in Galway, Ireland.
The tour will include stops in Galway, Adare, Connemary, Killarney, Waterford, Kilkenny, and Dublin.
For details of this event, please click on the attachments below and feel free to contact Andrea directly for more information. Her contact information and more about Andrea is available at the following link!
If you have a chance to do this, PLEASE share your pictures and have an amazing time!
Thank you to Ruth McClain who graciously shared her Ireland pictures with us to show everyone how AMAZING Ireland is!
Click here for more information on The Quilters Circle Tour from!