Digitized Quilt Designs Policies

Quiltworx.com Digitized Quilting Design Copyright Information

All rights reserved. No part of the patterns available on our website can be reproduced or adapted in any form for any commercial purpose (other than to apply them to completed quilt tops based on Judy Niemeyer Quilt Designs for your quilting customers) without the expressed written permission of Judy Niemeyer Quilting and the Affiliated Designer of the Digitized Quilt Design you have purchased. The written instructions, graphics, and photographs of Quiltworx.com’s Digitized Quilt Designs were designed for the purpose of retail sales and as a result fall under the protection of the federal copyright laws of the United States of America.

Our files are not encrypted to prevent the sharing and transfer of quilting designs between digitized quilting machines.  However, it is our intention that the files purchased on our website are for the express use of the SINGLE person and/or quilting business that has purchased the pattern and as such, should not be shared between more than one person or generally over more than one quilting machine, provided those machines are not owned by the same person.  Please respect this policy so that we are able to bring you these files as part of an automatic download and provide them to a wider customer base, for which encryption technologies are currently not available.  If you are in question of whether you may be at risk of violating copyrighted policies of Quiltworx.com in your use of our digitized quilting designs, please contact us at digitizeddesigns@quiltworx.com or (406) 314-4340 to talk to us about your questions.

Return of Digitized Quilting Designs

All digitized quilting designs sales are considered final upon purchase of the design with no exceptions.  If you feel you are missing a component of your design, have a corrupted file, or need further information on the design to be comfortable applying it to your quilt, please contact us at digitizeddesigns@quiltworx.com and we will place you in contact with the designer of the design or correct the file issues immediately.

Payment Processing

The patterns are available for immediate download and your credit card will be processed the next business day for the purchase.  If there is an issue with your credit card, we will contact your directly and request another form of payment.  Payment using “Check by Mail” is available, but the pattern will not be available for download until we receive payment for the files.

Wholesale Purchase of Digitized Quilting Designs

Our digitized quilting designs are not available for wholesale purchase or resale.

Please refer to the General Information link to find information on available file formats and support options for your purchase.

Thank You,


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